Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Loss of a Child

Losing a child is to me one of the hardest pains to have to deal with. I personally have never lost a child of my own but I have had loved ones that have. My sister lost her unborn child while she was living with me. Yes... I know this child was not mine but I loved this baby nearly as much as she did and attended all doctor appointments and was getting the nursery prepared as well. In addition, some may say that it was never born yet I would have to disagree with them.

My daughter in high school dated a young man for a few years. I can well imagine they may have been together still if one fateful night had not happened. One night while out with friends and my daughter at home this young man tried what they refer to as "huffing" Inhaling Freon from an air conditioner. This instantly froze his lungs and killed him. What a shock it was for everyone involved. While this was not my child it was a child that was very close to our family. Moreover, it was a serious boyfriend of my

IF you should ever be close in detail to a friend that loses a child some things to keep in mind are

  • never say you know how they feel 
  • let them cry and talk to you if that is what they feel like doing
  • keep them in the loop of plans they may not feel like doing it but keeping them in the loop helps they feel like they still belong
  • remember allowing them alone time, not requiring them to call you but calling them on occasion just to see how they are is important
  • speak of the good times like we used if possible
  • help is normally welcome but no pressure

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