Monday, July 29, 2019

Cleft Palate Awareness

Many times there is no warning of the newborn being born with a cleft palate. The shock to the new mom and dad as well as the grandparents, other close relatives and friends may be a bit over whelming. But remember you are not alone. Your child is beautiful just as they are and the issue can be corrected. Several children have been helped with cleft palate surgery and after the surgery it is often unbelievable that they were ever born with the deformity. 

If you are faced with this issue know that you did nothing wrong and God does not make mistakes. There is a reason for all things and while that reason is not always known believe that it happened for a reason and have faith that all will be o.k. While it is believed that issues with the cleft may hint at other issues know that this has never been proven. In addition, there are no true known reasons as why a baby may be born with a cleft palate. 

Some suggest that a cleft palate may be the result of a diet, family history, or other personal choices made in life. There is no true evidence that it is directly related to any one reason or another. Thus, not even the doctor can for a fact tell you what caused the issue with the cleft 

When medical issues occur in my family the first thing after it seems crying and trying to hug it out is that we give it to God. The next thing I recommend is to research whatever the issue is and know for sure what it is that should be expected to occur, where and what to do and the best answer. This can occur as early as a 3D ultrasound. My own son and daughter in law was delighted today as they went to have their own sonogram performed. In the pictures you can see the shape of her nose and if any abnormalities were there the person in charge would be able to see that as well. Perhaps, knowing what may happen may help those around you as well to prepare.

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