Saturday, December 28, 2019

Play a game of Hopscotch

One of my favorite games when I was a child was hopscotch. While my kids have not found a true fondness for the game as I did I have seen them play the game as well.

Hopscotch was a game played in ancient Britain during the Roman Empire. The original boards did not only have 10 squares but rather had over 100 feet of playing area. These boards were used for military training purposes in which the men would run the course in full armor with field packs attached. Thus hopefully making the men stronger with steady footwork.

The children during this time period drew their own courts which were much smaller. The new boards also had a scoring system and "hopscotch" was created. The game quickly spread throughout Europe.

To Play:
The game is played with each player holding a marker. The marker is normally a stone of some sort. To start the game a player will toss the marker into the first square. The stone must land in the square without touching a line or bouncing out. In the case that it does the player will not be able to go further. However if the stone lands properly in the square the player then hops through the court straddling the side by side squares and hopping on the left or right foot in the single squares.

In the end the player then turns around and continues to hop back stopping to pick up the marker. The game continues with each square. If the player steps on a line, misses a square or loses his balance and falls the player must end their turn and repeat the square that they are currently on. The winner is the player that completes each square first.

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