Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Happy Siblings Day --- Time to Cherish our Siblings

Do you have brothers and sisters?? I was blessed to be born the second child with 2 brothers and sister to come along through out the years of my childhood. Yes, my mama had 5 children. No, really she did but she had a few that did not make it into this beautiful world they passed while my mother was still protecting them inside of her belly or shortly after. Perhaps you have brothers and sisters or perhaps you were like me and a few siblings that you would have had you never met.

I am not sure where this post has went as I was writing about the opportunity we have as brothers and sisters to cherish our siblings. We were offered special blessings when we were given brothers and sisters. I know this blessing is one that we all too often take for granted. While I was blessed with five siblings I have a few special ones that we do lots with and a few others that we talk when we see each other but our lives have driven us a bit away from each other. However, not everyone was blessed with siblings and we truly should cherish them

Our brothers and sisters were our first friends. I had an older sister that would not spend a lot of time with me as she was always with her friends it seemed. But there were those times that we would be together doing things like going to grandmas or going to camp together. Memories like those are ones that I will always love forever. I was closer to the younger kids acting as their big sister I protected them and took on a role that was different than the one my older sister played with me. Thus creating memories that will last a life time

National Sibling Day is a day to share and talk about these memories. If it's been a while since you saw your siblings pick up the phone and give them a call or go out to lunch together. Perhaps you would even like to send them a card , letter or gift 

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