Thursday, April 4, 2019

April Plays Host To Sad Days in American History

April brings some sad moments in history as the month hold a few dates that Presidents of the United States passed from the pages of history into a better place

  • William Henry Harrison born in 1773 passed away April 4th, 1841. Serving as an American military officer was elected as a British subject at the age of 68 years old. Harrison would not finish his term, in fact 31 days after he took the role of president he would pass due to complications of pneumonia. 

  • April 14, 1865 devastation would occur, however many would not believe the news as the information system of those days was not fast or reliable. On that date in history the President from the state of Illinois would be shot at Ford's Theater by John Wilkes Booth. The next day the president would die. 

  • April 12th 1945 was the date that the United States 32nd president died of a cerebral hemorrhage. Franklin D. Roosevelt had faced many issues during the four terms, 12 years in the White House as president. The United States had not only fought World War II but also faced the Great Depression. Perhaps the saddest part is that his life ended just as victory was in sight.

faced with much controversy Richard Nixon had resigned from being president but he was elected to the office of presidency and thus is included in this post as a former president. Nixon passed from the earth April 22, 1994 shortly after his wife Pat did of lung cancer. Richard Nixon would die from a massive stroke in New York City and was buried next to his wife in Yorba Lida, California

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