Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sticky Sausage Casserole

Bangers and mash a.k.a sausage and mash is a traditional dish of Great Britain and Ireland. The dish is primarily served with mashed potatoes and sausages.

6 good quality thick pork sausages
4-6 shallots depending on size (mine were enormous)
1 medium carrot
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons diced pancetta or smoked bacon lardons
teaspoon juniper berries
1 wine glass red wine
1/2 glass water or stock
half tin of tomatoes
fresh herbs, chopped - I used sage, oregano and rosemary

1. Pre-heat oven to 170C. Heat oil in a non-stick casserole and brown the sausages evenly on each side. Remove with slotted spoon and set to one side.

2. Meanwhile, skin the shallots. Cover with boiling water and leave for one minute before draining. This makes skins easier to remove. Pull apart into segments and chop one shallot into small pieces. Add to pan with garlic and finely diced carrot. Add pancetta or lardons and fry until the onions are starting to soften. Use a wooden spoon to scrape the sticky sausage bits off the bottom of the pan as you go.

3. Crush juniper berries with back of knife or in pestle and mortar. Add to pan, along with the chopped fresh herbs. Stir to combine.

4. Add sausages back to pan and add wine. Heat until starting to bubble and then add the tinned tomatoes. Stir and allow to bubble for a few minutes. Add half a glass of water (or stock), season well and then place the lid on the casserole. Place in oven and cook for approx 40 minutes. Check in middle of cooking and add more water if necessary.

5. When you remove from the oven, check the sauce. It should have reduced and be quite sticky but still sauce-like. If too liquid, bubble and reduce on the hob. Taste and season to taste. Serve with a cloud of fluffy, creamy mashed potatoes and some green veg.

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