Thursday, February 7, 2019

Hot Breakfast Month ==== Crockpot Apple Pie Oatmeal

National Hot Breakfast month occurs every February. The month of February is often very cold and the perfect time to start your morning with something warm. Home cooked breakfasts are likely to be healthier than prepared food that can be bought at other places. One complaint often when making a hot breakfast comes up is time limit. However, there are many meals that can make your morning a more pleasant experience.

Make sure you have the ingredients for the meal you want to fix the night before you go to bed. The right type of breakfast is one that you look forward to making and offers great nutrition as well. While cereal and toast are often easy enough they may not be the choice you want to truly eat. A few ideas include oatmeal or maybe some eggs.

Save time by preparing breakfast the night before with some boiled eggs or fry up some meat the night before to reheat in the morning. Try this overnight oatmeal that will help you get a head start.

Crockpot Make Ahead Apple Pie Oatmeal
recipe source here 

2 large Granny Smith apples, seeds removed and coarsely chopped (no need to peel them)
2-3 T Stevia in the Raw or other sweetener (depending on how sweet you like it)
1 T brown sugar (or use 1 more tablespoon of sweetener)
3/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
3 – 3 1/2 cups water (depending on how thick you like your oatmeal)
1 1/2 cup rolled oats (I used Bob’s Red Mill Extra Thick Rolled Oats)
milk or soy milk for serving (I used a combination of milk and vanilla soy milk, which is what I always use to eat on cereal.)

Cut apples into pieces and remove the core with the seeds; then chop apples into pieces. I made the pieces different sizes so some apples would dissolve slightly while others stayed chunky. (No need to peel them.)
Spray the CrockPot crockery container with nonstick spray. Then add the apples, sweetener of your choice (I usedStevia in the Raw), brown sugar (or more sweetener), cinnamon, and salt.
Add from 3 to 3 1/2 cups of water, depending on how thick you want the finished oatmeal to be.
Stir together and cook on high for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Add oatmeal (I used Bob’s Red Mill Extra Thick Rolled Oats) and stir ingredients together, then continue to cook on high for an additional 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes, depending on how soft you’d like the finished oatmeal to be. (I would start checking after 45 minutes.)
Serve hot, with milk or soy milk.
This oatmeal can be stored in the fridge overnight and reheated in the morning. You may want to add a little water when you reheat it, then microwave for about 1 minute or heat for a few minutes in a small pan on top of the stove.

Do you have any tips for making a hot breakfast in the morning?? Would love for you to leave them in the comments below

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