Thursday, January 24, 2019

Time for a Coffee Break

Have you ever stopped and wondered how things got started?? As a full time worker we get 2 coffee breaks and a lunch break. Now days this is nearly a state law to take time out but how did the coffee break get started??     

The coffee break originated in the late 19th century Stoughton, Wisconsin. Immigrant women would take a mid morning and mid afternoon breaks from their shifts to go home and tend to their children. During this time they would enjoy a snack and a cup of coffee       

In the early days of business individuals would gather around a pot of stuff boiling over an open flame or hot coals. Sharing of the news and trading tips would take place as they sipped the drinks in their cups. When mass production entered the work day there was less time to meet around the pot. There seemed to be no time to take a break and so the long days seemed to go on and on.

An American psychologist J.B. Watson and many other behaviorists believed people could be trained to react in predictable ways through repetitive actions. Maxwell House coffee and Watson were able to work together to create Americas coffee break. Today, coffee breaks take place in homes, workplaces or nearly everywhere. No matter how the coffee break originated Americans around the country celebrate break time with or without a delicious cup of coffee.

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