Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Many Hats Moms Wear

Have you ever taken  a note of how many hats a mom has to wear. There is never a day that goes by that does not require mom to play more than one role. Boredom is not something that often if at all sets in for a mom. The role of being a mom has one constantly busy and performing acts at times they may never have thought they would. We were all built with two hands but at times I have heard myself wish to have many more. However, while the changes keep coming and routine never seems to slow we are all still only human but must wear a variety of hats.

While it is often mothers who must juggle their lives it is also dads and grandparents that participate in these roles right aside or by their selves.
Some of the hats (roles) that mothers and others take part in and wear are:

  • The nurse that cares for them when they are sick or hurt. The adult in this role is one that cares for the foundation of the family. Nurturing our children spirit, soul, and body is the job of mom, dad and grandparent. The role is to nurture their emotions, body and spiritual growth. 
  • The role of a protector starts early for a mom. With the baby still in the womb it is the moms job to protect and carry that baby for 9 full months It is the job of caring adults to protect the children from the world and all those in it. 
  • The role of the enforcer has not always been easy for me. While I want my children to learn to live life the right way it has always been hard for me to punish them. It has gotten better since the early days of being a mom but at times I still feel a bit guilty when I ground them or take away that favorite item for safe keeping for a short period of time. Adults in the lives of children should be able to enforce manner, meal times, routines, good behavior, proper choices and family values
  • The role of an empowerer is one that moms, dads and grandparents should all wear. It is how we help our child to grow up strong and confident. They need to learn how to do it  on their own, make good decisions and build up self confidence. 
  • Adult in a child life also wear the hat of a taskmaster often. It is the role that is often required moms to ensure kids are doing what they are supposed to be doing. The task master holds expectations for kids to learn and complete skills in life. It is then their job to carry out tasks that help them reach the goals. While it may seem that the adult is being strict the truth is that it is preparing them for their future. 
  • It the role of the respected mom, dad or other adult to stand up and do what is right as well. It is all worth it when you get those hugs and the "I Love You" 

How Many Hats Have You Wore Today?? 

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  1. Hi Annie. Dropping by from Doodle Buddies.
    Your post is spot on. Mums are alittle bit of everything, yet nobody can be a little of them.
    Much love darling.

  2. ohmy gosh yes soo many hats i cant even keep track sometimes ha- keep it up my friend!

  3. Being a mom is quite a job!! I am not a mom yet myself, but I feel like I never truly appreciated how much my mom did for me when I was younger!

    xoxo A

  4. Moms do EVERYTHING, but that's why we love them!

  5. This makes me so much more thankful for my mom!

  6. Hi Annie,
    I love the drawing on this page, it's such a powerful illustration. Is it your own? I was wondering whether I could discuss with you using it as part of a research presentation that I'm giving, where I'm talking about wearing different hats. I would fully credit you, of course. Thanks, Beth


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