Sunday, January 13, 2019

National Sticker Day

Stickers date back to the 1880s. It was the European merchants that are responsible for using the first stickers. The stickers were simple labels attached to products to help promote goods and wares to shoppers and passerbys. Made out of a gum paste the glue like substance would get the labels to adhere and stick. Most likely, that is where and why stickers received their title.

In the 1900s a special paste for stickers had been developed and was being used on many items but primarily on stamps. Like stamps of today the glue dries and then when re-moistened will become sticky again. However, in the near by horizon there would be a super sticker man of sorts to be born

Ray Stanton Avery was born January 13, 1907. Avery would make the first commercially self adhesive labels in 1935. The formation of Avery Dennison Corporation employs over 16,000 employees in 37 countries and sales in the billions each year. Many changes have taken place in the time since the company originated.

National Sticker Day honors R. Stanton Avery who passed away to a better place on December 12, 1997.

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