Thursday, January 10, 2019

Enjoy A Bit of Soup

Tonight is one of the colder nights of January with a winter weather storm issued. In this type of weather I love to prepare and eat a good meal of soup. The best thing is that there is a great variety of soups. With ingredients such as meat, poultry, fish, seafood, veggies, fruits, milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, wine, eggs, herbs, spices, grains and noodles the many varieties are tasty and filling. Thus offering a meal that sticks to the ribs and helps us warm up

I can recall Sunday nights being the one night a week that we would have soup. We may have soup other nights but no matter what Sunday night was the night we would eat soup. Many times the soup would be made up of left over meat from the week as well as any extra veggies we may have. Now days, our family is so large that we do not have a lot of leftovers but we still have soup. Soup styles from chunky to smooth, thick to thin , clear broth to creamy, hot to cold, makes them perfect for any night of the week. Perhaps you are a bit short on veggies you can add a bit of pasta instead, however you prepare your soup you can do it to your taste and style choice.

Soup can be served as an appetizer, entree, to pair up with a sandwich, the first course of a large dinner or even a dessert. Serve it with crackers, rolls, breads, corn muffins or toppings like sour cream, cheese, herbs , chives, croutons or tortilla chips. There are so many great soup choices that you can have a different one every night, served up a different way each night for a month. Simply do a quick search on the internet or in cookbooks. From a french soup known as Billy bi to a Chinese soup known as birds nest soup can even be international. In addition there are soups that are common favorites to local areas like Burgoo a thick stew made out in big pots that was a Kentucky favorite that is often served to hundreds at festivals and fundraisers.

Finally what are the differences between soups, stocks and stews. Soups often contain veggies, fruits, meat and or fish cooked in a liquid. Stocks strain liquid from cooking veggies, meat or fish and other seasonings in water. Stews contain meat, veggies and a thick soup like broth made from stewing liquid and natural juices of food stewed.

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  1. I love soups. Is chowder and bisque considered soup too? I love, love, love clam chowder!

    1. not always depends on each individuals thought but they are closely related

  2. Every month should be soup month! This is great, thanks and off to share. :)
    Dropped by from #BloggersPitStop today but always glad to be here. :)
    Hope the week ahead treats you well. :)


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