Saturday, January 12, 2019

Did You Know::: Birth Defects

Babies are very delicate individuals. Even before they are born things can go wrong within the womb. Some babies may have problems with their organ and body parts. At times they will not work properly. When this happens these issues are known as birth defects. Birth defects can range from minor to serious, the minor issues may need no treatment while the more serious birth defects causing disabilities as well as possibly facing medical or surgical treatment. The March of Dimes figures that 1 baby out of 33 will be born in the United States with a birth defect.

Structural birth defects are those where the baby is born with part of their body missing or malformed. The most serious of this type of birth defect are heart defects followed closely by spina bifida, cleft palate, clubfoot, and congenital dislocated hip.

Metabolic birth defects are caused when baby's body chemistry has a problem. This form of birth defect prevents the body from properly breaking down food to create energy. Two of the most common type of metabolic birth defects are issues with the central nervous system and the manner in how the body produces protein.

Moms to be can do their babies a favor by taking folic acid and having enough iodine in their diet. Most babies that are born with birth defects have 2 healthy parents with no known risk factors. Many times the doctor may not know what caused the baby's birth defect. At times the cause may be environmental such as exposure to chemicals or viruses in the womb.

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