Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bath Safety Awareness

While the bathroom is often the smallest room in the home it may be the room with the biggest safety issues. The Center for Disease Control estimates around 235,000 individuals over the age of 15 have been seen at the hospital E.R. due to injuries occurred in the bathroom. Most of these injuries occur in the shower or tub. In addition it is the elderly that have the highest occurrence of injuries in the bathroom.

One safety tip is to always check the water temp. Not only when it is us but when it is our child that is getting in the water as well. When giving  a child a bath be sure to make a plan. First part of that plan should be never leave a young child in the tub alone for any length of time. Before the bath begins get it all together from the towels and washcloths to the toys and bath supplies. Put your cell phone up and plan a time with limited distractions. Most importantly make it fun

Falls are another significant reasons that cause injuries and visits to the E.R. Falls are also the main reason for accidental deaths in those over the age of 65. Using a slip resistant plastic mat that will suction to the bottom of your tub as well as a rug that will not move on the outside of the tub may help protect against falls. A grab bar that offers more support when stepping in and out of the bath is also  a good safety measure to use. In addition for those late night trips to the bathroom install a night light to prevent accidental falls.

Towels, soaps and shampoos should all be in easy reach of those taking showers. Reaching and stretching for items can cause falls to occur. Keeping the bathroom floor clean with no objects on floor will help stop falls as well.

Using the above mentioned safety measures in your bathroom will help increase safety awareness.

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