Monday, January 14, 2019

Adopt a Rescued Bird Month

It may seem unusual to you but truly birds often find their way into a shelter or rescue group for pets. Birds ranging from exotic to barnyard birds may at times have to be given up by their owners. For reasons such as not enough time for the animal or the special care that is required leads owners to volunteering giving up the animals. To bring awareness to the birds that are in the shelters as well January has been designated as Adopt a Rescued Bird Month

Some things you will want to know before adopting a bird:

  • Birds are not domesticated animals Birds commonly are no different than their wild relatives. 
  • Diseases such as Chlamydiosis and avian tuberculosis can be transmitted through the air from birds to humans These diseases can cause illness in people especially with compromised immune systems. The "feather dust" may aggravate asthma as well. 
  • Some birds including lovebirds, parakeets and cockatiels are noisy and messy and can be destructive as well. From squawking, chirping, and talking are all ways that birds communicate 
  • Birds can be quite messy eating continually through the day. They often drop and discard bits of food everywhere. Birds will also chew and shred wood as well as electrical cords, paper and curtains. 
  • Caring for a bird is a life long responsibility. Birds have long life spans often living 20 to 50 years or more. 
  • Parrots are extremely social animals and have been compared to human toddlers. Their need for emotional and social lives is great. The thing with this bird is that they never change with age. 
  • Cats, dogs, ceiling fans and open windows must all be absent from the bird zone. Birds need room to fly if their wings are clipped they still need room to exercise by climbing, swinging and flapping and need an area with space, toys and climbing structures. 
  • Birds diet not only consist of seed or pellets as well as grains, beans, fruits and veggies as well
  • Light exposure and sleep are important to birds. Birds need at least 4 hours exposure to sun The sun helps to provide them with vitamin D and A as well as is critical for upper respiratory health. 
  • Birds need 10 hours of sleep each night 

My Story:
My mother in law kept a bird for many years. It was a parket named Petey. She loved that little bird and allowed it to travel the entire home. Visiting my mother in law was a bit tricky as you knocked to see where the bird was and that it was o.k. to go in the house. Many believe that little bird had feelings as well. It seemed if you raised your voice the bird would spit seed at you. He lived there with mom for many year 15+ they seemed to keep each other comfortable

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