Saturday, December 29, 2018

Have Faith

As the new year will be here within just a short period of time, 2 days to be exact, I offer you a word that I believe I will carry through the new year. The word is Faith. It is a word that can make a difference in the life of us all. Having faith allows us to hold onto what we know is true as well as hope of what is to come. However , we must know where and what to place our faith in.

Faith is a choice that we make as we travel through out life. Faith is a choice for all of us to make each day but did you know that Faith was originally a gift from God??

We are all given faith but that is not enough. We must also hear the word of God to grow our faith as it will tested. We have all had those days when challenges appear that tries our faith.

For many of us the "what ifs" in life will challenge our faith. "What if we can not make it on our own" "What if I have the health challenges my parents did" what are your what ifs?? Have faith as the bible has a message from God that answers these what ifs:

God's perfect love protects each of us from our fears and doubts. We should allow faith to beat out our fear. By keeping our eyes on Jesus and having faith we can not only feel loved but we are loved

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