Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Ding a Ling Day

 That's right it is Ding a ling day. The day is a chance to reach out to that individual that you my not have talked to for quite some time. 

Do you recall the days when the phone seemed attached to you?? I know many still think it does with all the cell phones and all but back in the day before cell phones. Back when the phone was attached by  cord to the wall. Yes, there were phones that could be carried around the house but even those had to be hanged up occasionally I recall my teenage years where mom would ask " are you going to get off that phone" Yes, I called my grandparents, friends, boyfriends and the list went on. But like time and phones that over extension of time on the phone has fade and the time I spent on the phone has shrunk. 

We all know it happens. Sadly its true that we somehow lose tract of individuals that we love. Old friends, distant relatives, former colleagues or other important individuals. Reaching out to those you love may loom over ones head and seem a bit daunting but it is truly easier to do than not to do Perhaps while you are thinking about them you are thinking about you as well. 

Today, take some time and call up that person or people you spent your time talking to. I am sure a reunion of sorts will help make your holidays just a bit brighter. 

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