Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sesame Street

Before there were the Smurfs or the Power Pups or any of the modern characters there was Sesame Street. Characters such as Big Bird, Ernie and Bert and so many others have names that are recognized daily. The live action, sketch comedy, animation, puppetry and more helps put the American education children's television show known as Sesame Street on the sets of many. Prior to 2000 the Children's Television Workshop was responsible for producing this classic children's show.

Sesame Street was created by Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morrisett. Jim Henson's Muppets are found on the t.v. show as well as in short films. Sesame Street first aired November 10, 1969 and was met with both raves and boos. Aired on the PBS channel until a move to HBO in 2016. Showcasing a combo of commercial television production elements and techniques reflected the changes in American culture and audience choice. In addition, education was held at high value

Sesame Street has undergone lots of major changes through history. The format and content have both been changed and adjusted to reflect life as well as curriculum. Funding for the show first came from the government and a private foundation. Popularity of the show has helped the show become partially self supporting. Thus the little show that was created to help children learn and was paid for by the government was catching it on its popularity educational goals.

Early 2000 saw more than 120 million viewers throughout the world in Sesame Street. In 2009 the show turned 40 and was being seen in more than 140 countries. Sesame Street was number 15 in rating of children's television shows in the United States. An estimated 77 million Americans stated they had watched the show as a child. In accordance, Sesame Street won 167 Emmy Awards and 8 Grammy Awards, a number higher than any other's children's show.

Did you watch Sesame Street as a child???

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1 comment:

  1. I was in college when Sesame Street premiered. I had seen a booth at a teaching fair with all the info on it before it aired. I was so happy to see it!


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