Saturday, November 24, 2018


Be careful out there. How many times do we hear or say this before someone heads off on a journey?? The time of the year between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is one of the most dangerous times to be on the nations roads. The reason is drunk driving. With all the celebration going on sometimes drivers forget that celebrating too much does not mix with driving. Often those that are injured are those that are the ones not celebrating.

If you are hosting a get together to Celebrate the holidays a few safety tips to remember are:

  • Have designated drivers ready and planned before the celebration.
  • For those that want to be involved in the celebration but choose to be safe and not drink plan some "mock-tails" 
  • Remind other drivers by displaying a MADD red ribbon or sticker on your car where others can see. 

Mothers Against Drunk Driving works to prevent impaired drivers from causing devastating wrong way accidents. The group helps develop and implements effective countermeasures to  hopefully stop Drunk Driving. Some of the things MADD has achieved include:
  • installing raised reflective markers in the shape of an arrow on exit ramps to alert drivers to their error if they try to enter toll road the wrong way
  • Roadway sensors to alert Safety Operations Center if drivers enter the roadway the wrong way.
MADD Tie One On For Safety began in 1986. It is the longest running and most visible public awareness project sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. With more than 10,000 individuals killed in drunk driving crashes an hundreds of thousands more injured MADD is taking a stand. You can help the cause by putting a red ribbon in a visible location on your car as a reminder to always designate a non-drinking driver. 

Drunk Driving can be prevented. Planning should begin before the party. The goal is that everyone gets home safely.


I myself have been harmed by drunk driving. No I was not directly involved in the wreck but in the aftermath when the family falls apart. In 2 different wrecks with about 20 years between them our family experienced 2 wrecks. The first my young uncle, only at the age of 16 who was young but not stupid. He lost his life on a ride with family one day when he met up against a drunk driver. The second, my cousin returning from the Iraqui war just weeks ago took a drive and was killed when a drunk driver hit him. There is nothing more than the heartache of a mother who thought their young sons lives were ready to be lived and in full. In the case of my cousin he had a young family as well and while he was returning from work the day of the fateful wreck he never reached home and his children would grow up without a dad. 

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