Thursday, November 22, 2018

Educationally Smart Christmas Gift::: Gingerbread Playdough

Want to offer the littlest ones on the list a fun gift for Christmas but something they can learn with as well?? Look no further than some yummy smelling gingerbread playdough and a gingerbread man cookie cutter


2 cups plain flour (all purpose)
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
(up to) 1.5 cups of boiling water (added gradually until it is right)
1 tablespoon ground ginger
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

Mix all of the dry ingredients into a bowl. Add the oil. Stir in the boiling water and allow to cool briefly. Knead it into a workable dough on a floured surface using your hands. After a few minutes it should be soft and smooth and none should come off on your fingers. If it’s still a little sticky then add more flour, one tablespoon at a time until it’s just right!

Ways to use the Gingerbread Playdough
Use gingerbread men cookie cutters and rolling pins pretend that real gingerbread man and "bake" then in a pretend oven. 
Read the story the Gingerbread Man and have the child retell the story after making their own gingerbread man
Using buttons and beads decorate the gingerbread men. 

Educational links that can be reached via gingerbread playdough

sensory: explore malleable materials using hands, discuss smells and what they make us think of
motor skills: small muscle hand development by pushing, squeezing, rolling, flattening and cutting  dough
literacy: retell stories in the correct sequence using storybook language, identify main characters from stories
maths: count objects accurately up to 10 and beyond, weighing, measuring and capacity

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  1. Annie, I want to make this playdough just to smell it! Playing would be fun too... :D I'm featuring you on this weekend's DIY Salvaged Junk. Thanks for linking up!

  2. I make something like this every year for a sweet gift. I don't use the oil in mine. I cut out, punch hole in top for hanging and dry(for couple days, turning every 12 hours or so). I use peppercorns or whole cloves for eyes and buttons. They make the cutest ornaments you can use year after year. I usually put a dozen in a small tin put a ribbon around it and 'viola', great neighbor, co-worker, friend, hostess gift. You can refresh cinnamon smell with cinnamon oil if needed. I include cookie cutter and recipe. Everyone seems to adore them. Talk about an old fashioned Christmas memory. We use to make these with my grandmother each Christmas season when I was a little girl over 70 years ago.


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