Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Did You Know ==== Bread

Since early on bread has been a resource that man has made. It was not available in stores until the summer of 1928. A bakery in Chillicothe Mo first sold pre-cut bread. The inventor of the automatic bread slicing machine was Otto Frederick Rolrwedder.

Customers were not sure to think about it. The loaves were thought to not be sloppy looking Before the automatic manner bread had been sliced by hand and a bit sloppier as well. The bread did not last as long as its unsliced version as well. But, hang on a minute the inventor had a solution. The bread would have U-shape pins to hold it together once again having the appearance of whole loaf bread.

Some more interesting facts about bread include:

  • The color on the twist tie bagged bread means the day of the week the bread was baked on. While there is also a sell by date normally on the shelf the colored twist ties or tabs indicates to the stocker what loaves need to be removed
  • Pre sliced bread was banned in the US in 1943. The thought was to preserve the use of wheat, wax paper and steel. For those that had not originally loved pre sliced bread but by this time had fallen in love with it demanded their bread back. In 3 months the bread that was much desired was backed.
  • In medvial times bread was developed for an named for each class For example there was  a knight bread, a squire bread , a frier bread..... 

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  1. I had never given some of these thoughts to the bread I eat. I learned some new things!

  2. What an interesting post. I didn't know many of these facts.

  3. I love bread but bread is not our staple food but rice. So glad to learn about bread history and so many facts here.

  4. I could give up just about any food in life other than bread. I have tried many times. The result is I could easily live on bread and water and be happy as can be.

  5. I had no idea about any of this for bread. I am a huge bread fan though!

  6. This was a fun and informative read. I love all things bread!

  7. These are some pretty interesting facts for my favorite food. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Great info about bread. Even though I can't eat it, I still like to learn about it!

  9. I had no idea the twist tie on bread meant the day it was prepared. It's so interesting how such simple things can have great meaning.

  10. These are interesting facts about bread. I don't know much about bread. I only know how to eat them. Haha!

  11. I just loved this informative post! I am a huge fan of all things bread and that is one thing that I would never be able to give up.... that and pasta :)

  12. What an interesting post. I have never given much thought to this before. Now I will have to check how I keep my bread..thanks for sharing!


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