Saturday, October 6, 2018

History of Noodles ++++ Ramen Noodle Stir Fry ++++ Easy

Throughout history one of my favorite food products have been made with only flour and a bit of water. It is estimated that noodles date back to 1000 B.C. In 2002 archaeologists along the Yellow River in China found an earthenware bowl that contained some well preserved 4000 year old noodles.

Noodles can and have been rolled into a variety of shapes. Noodles are found all over the world each just a bit different with their own specialties. Asian noodles are served with root veggies like yams, potatoes and beans. The noodles may be made up of rice, wheat, or buckwheat are often in a wide noodle form. In Europe noodles are created from semolina flour but potato noodles are a favorite as well.

Few important dates in noodle history:

  • Noodles invented in China 2000 B.C
  • around 1200 AD Europeans fall in love with noodles. Marco Polo credited with bringing noodles to Europe from China Some believe that it was arab traders that first introduced noodles as a new dish to the Europeans
  • 1789 Thomas Jefferson returns to the United States after spending a few years in France On his return he brought with him 2 cartons of fresh pasta
  • 1958 instant ramen noodles are invented in Japan First considered to be just for the top crust to be served a luxury food, later as we all know discounted so everyone can enjoy
  • October 6, 2018 had a bowl of ramen noodles in my kitchen fixed on my stovetop

Believe it or not one of the top consumers of noodles are those that live in Australia. Over 18 million kgms are consumed by Australians each year. There is no surprise that so many love noodles. They are filling and homy and one of my favorite comfort foods. Noodles are enjoyed around the world. In Japan, slurping noodles is expected if you are enjoying your meal. While slurping may be considered bad manners elsewhere in Japan when it comes to noodles if you don't slurp it might be considered offensive to the chef. In China noodles are a standard for longevity, it is often thought of as a promise for long life. Who knows after you check out the noodle recipe I share you may become a top consumer expecting a long life as well

This stir fry creates its own sauce from the packet in the ramen noodles.
This meal truly only takes a few minutes to prepare (well if you hand chop veggies takes a few more minutes)

Noodles: Cook in boiling water;
Sauce: Mix cornstarch with water, then add sachet from instant ramen packet;
Stir Fry: Saute garlic and onion, add other vegetables and protein of choice, add noodles and sauce.
Dinner. Done. In 12 minutes. OK, so it’s 9 minutes longer than the Instant Ramen Soup …. but it’s a lot more interesting!!!

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