Saturday, October 20, 2018

Apple Picking Time

I can recall each and every fall heading out to the orchard to pick apples. The drive out to the orchard was enchanting with the leaves changing colors and the cooler air that we could enjoy. The environment was full of seasonal baking, football and carving pumpkins.

Apples are perfect for snacking. They are low in potassium with an average medium raw apple without skin has 142 mg of potassium and 77 calories. Apples have no fat, sodium or cholesterol.

Apples are grown in all 50 states. There are 2500 varieties of apples grown in the United States. Apples are often picked in pecks that weigh about 10.5 lbs. Most apples are still picked by hand.

Apples stand alone as main ingredients in many recipes including entrees, desserts and salads. There are recipes for quick no-bake desserts as well as apple recipes that are served warm right out of oven. Not to sound like bubba on forest gump but there are:

What are some of your favorite apple recipes? Do you have any that you’d like to share?

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