Saturday, September 1, 2018

Get Your Enthusiasm Back

We all have those days=-== those days where we fell low energy and down in the dumps. Having a down day is no good, it is not good for home, workplace or in our own heads. I don't know about you but I love being around enthusiastic people. It seems to keep me in a good mood and enthusiastic as well. A day full of passion, inspiration and drive over every aspect even the little things.

One of the first things to do to keep that feeling of enthusiasm is to be yourself. If we pretend to be someone or something else to fit in then we run out o energy by doing just that. Only when we act like our selves and it occurs naturally do we get that natural feeling of enthusiasm out of life

Find the things that make you happy. What are you passionate about and what do you care about. Just when you may think about giving up and letting go it may be what and who you are that brings you back to the goal of being happy and enthusiastic What is it that you want to do in the future?? You may have both long term and short term goals. Your enthusiasm will grow as you attain your goals

Create a plan f how you will achieve your goals. A sort of road map to how you will reach where you want to be.  With a plan at hand you should not play the victim card. You are a strong person who can turn around all situations with positivity. It should not matter what others think or say.

Keeping individuals around you that are enthusiastic, optimistic, and positive thinking will help to reach your goal. Those who discourage you  or negative should be shunned. Enthusiasm and positivity are contagious and catches on fast so all those around begin to warm up. Likewise, keep your attention on the matters at home rather than thinking of other issues.

Getting enough sleep, physical exercise, and healthy food habits will help increase your energy level leading to a more enthusiastic life.

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  1. I have always said that it is so important to choose positivity whenever possible. It's not always easy but so much better for you and for those around you.

    1. you are so very right, being positive goes a long way in how you feel and those around you as well

  2. Yes I feel like today I really need to increase my energy. These are awesome tips

    1. thank you I hope they help you and your energy level

  3. I sadly admit that I played the victim far too long. I have now reaching some goals. Yay!

    1. good for you to take a stand, getting a few goals done should give you lots of encouragement

  4. It looks like you are on the right track. I need to set some goals and make some action steps for myself.

  5. I have always been an optimistic person. I did find myself dealing with depression over a year ago and sometimes it's very hard to feel enthusiastic when you're dealing with that.


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