Saturday, September 1, 2018

Are You A Responsible Dog Owner

For pet lovers, sharing our lives with our pet is a privilege of sorts. It is a privilege that comes with responsibilities It does not matter what pet we have as they all have things in common they offer companionship and in return we take care of them. They are not just accessories that can be thrown aside and forgotten about. Rather, pets need love, care and devotion. 
The term "responsible pet ownership" means different things to different people. Like raising children we all have our own methods. When we choose to share our lives with a pet we are choosing to make that pet part of our life as well. They will depend on us for every need that they have for the rest of their life.

Our pets offer loyalty and friendship every day. It is apparent in the excitement that they show when we arrive home, purring or tail wagging when we spend time with them. and cuddling with us when we have had a bad day. We give back to them thru offering food and shelter, Other things you can do to show your commitment are:

  • Our pets are also part of the family. The heredity of pack animals leaves many animals desiring the warmth and love of a family
  • You may be surprised on what household items may harm a pet , do a bit of research and pet proof your home
  • As we go to the doctor when needed so should our animals visit the vet. 
  • Prevent unwanted pets by having our pets spayed and neutered. These pets often live longer and healthier than those that are not. 
  • I.D. tags will help you identify your pet if they are lost or stolen. Many consider microchipping as well
  • In nature our pets would be able to get their own exercise. In situations where they are kept exercise may not be able to get naturally. It is still needed to help keep them fit, and prevent moments of bad behavior. 
  • Your vet should be able to help you with what type of food and how much for your pet. Your pet should be on a regular, portion controlled diet to help with weight management and prevent weight related health problems
  • Visiting others with pets allows you to meet new friends and helps your pet as well help cut down on their energy level
  • Love is something that goes both ways. You are most likely your pets favorite thing in the whole world. In return you offer love, attention and care. 

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  1. Thanks for the reminders Anne. I see so many people who ignore these important suggestions. I wish I could mail this article to everyone of them!

  2. Great to create areweness for the fur kids.. nice to join such actiities

  3. I hope everyone stays responsible for their pets. I only have cats, and we keep them safe and healthy.

  4. Our pug- Bobot is considered part of our family. We make sure to provide him everything he needs and more. He;s just so cute, it's so hard not to fall in love with his non-existent snout. :)

  5. Yes pets are very much part of the family and require love and care...good suggestions...

  6. I really want to get a dog for my son. I have promised him one for this 7th bday!

  7. Great post, taking care of your pets is so important. In my house they are like family.

  8. These are some great reminders for dog owners. I most definitely try and be the most responsible dog owner I can be.

  9. A pet is for life, and is a family member! I love my dog, she is one of my kids to me! It is so important to make sure they are healthy and well cared for.

  10. What an amazing post. I treat our pets as family so much they don't act like pets anymore. So spoiled.

  11. Not many people understand what it takes to own a dog - it's not all cute puppy faces all day, every day! I would love to own a dog one day, but I don't think I'm ready for the responsibility yet.

    May from

  12. I don't own a dog. I will surely get one soonest

  13. It is so important to take care of your dog or any pet. They are just like any other member of the family. We had 2 dogs a few years ago and we took very good care of them. We were sad to rehome them (we moved and couldn't bring them with us), but we considered ourselves responsible by finding them a new home.

  14. I believe myself to be a responsible pet owner. Since, I become a mother recently it has been more challenging. However, I make sure to spend time with our pet daily.

  15. Archer is definitely more people than doggo. I always make sure he's taken care of first. I've had people want to go on dates directly after I finish work but have told them we must meet at a later time so I can walk and feed Archer.

  16. Great post. A real eye opener for those who think they take care of their pet but they really don't.

  17. I agree that pet is part of the family and should be treated as one. We do not have a pet yet but we are planning to own a dog.

  18. I agree with these points. Being a good pet parent is not easy but I enjoy it so much

  19. I could not agree more! It so upsets me to read stories of abandoned or abused pets. Or dogs who live outside, neglected. It makes no sense to own dogs if you're not going to bring them inside and treat them like part of the family! We have 3 dogs and 8 cats - all rescues - and we share our home with them as if they are our children!

  20. Never had the balls to get a pet home actually. I feel I am too iresponsible and barely manage to handle myself...forget managing another living entity

  21. This is a very good information for all pet owners. I agree with you. I only have a cat, and I am spending some times with it daily.


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