Sunday, August 26, 2018

Cool Off with Cherry Popsicle

One of my favorite summer time or really any time treats are popsicles. Whether they are homemade or store bought they are delicious and don't worry you can find some on the calorie conscious side if you are into that as well. I must not be alone as popsicles can be found sold as treats at many amusement parks, zoos, aquatic centers and more. in fact, cherry popsicles have their own national day and today, August 26th is it. 

August is often a very hot month and when it is hot we need something to cool us down just a bit. Sure, we have the AC to help keep us cool or we could even jump in the pool or run through the sprinkler but if you want something to cool you off at once try a popsicle. 

Here is an idea why not throw a get together to celebrate the cherry popsicle. Now, you could head to the store to purchase your favorite popsicles or you could make your own. If you choose to make your own check out these cherry lime popsicles easy to make and oh so good. 

1 cup water
1/4 cup honey
2 cups cherries
1/3 cup lime juice

In a sauce pan, combine the water and honey. Heat on medium-high while stirring until most of the honey has disintegrated. Some foam might occur, stir and set aside.

Pit the cherries and juice the lime. Combine in a food processor and the water and honey mixture. Process until smooth and almost no cherry pieces remain.

Pour into cup or a popsicle mold and add wooden sticks. Freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight. Carefully remove from molds using hot water along the outside. Enjoy or store in freezer.

recipe source here

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