Thursday, July 26, 2018

My son is a bagel eater for sure. He loves them with cream cheese in the morning and at lunch and supper he uses them instead of bread to make sandwiches. His favorite food , the bagel is celebrated during National Bagelfest Day each year on July 26th.

The bagel is very popular in the USA and Canada. The bagels crunchy outside is desired and the middle of the bagel is often topped with a variety of flavors Bagel shops everywhere are popping up selling the beloved bagel to communities in many places around the country.

The bagel was brought to the United States via the Polish Jewish immigrants that set up business in New York City as well as other places around the boroughs. In 1907 the bagel makers organized the INternational Beigel Barkers Union.

In the 1960's a man named Daniel Thompson made work easier for bakeries that made bagels. He invented a way to manufacture the bagel rather than put the work into the handcrafted bagel. Shortly after the introduction of this method the debate of which matter of making bagels was the best.

As time went on a bagel baker named Harry Lender and his sons Murray and Florence would help introduce the bagel to the rest of the United States. An automated production and distribution of frozen bagels was introduced during the 1960s. A second invention during this time was a way to pre slice the bage.

National Bagelfest day was founded by the owner of the Lenders Bagels Murray Lender. The festival, started in Mattoon Illinois in 1986 is also the location of the largest bagel factory.

The bagel is the second cousin twice removed from the donut. The bagel is healthier than the donut.
The early Egyptian version saw the bagl boiled before baking it. Through this process the bre grew dense and harder but it was also hard to shape Th jewish people would take this recipe with them as they escaped Egyptian rue.

Not only did the Jews migrate to Poland but so did the Germans. It was around the 14th century The Polish community welcomed the Jews that migrated to their country and were allowed to bake in the country as well.

In the Jewish community the bread needed to be boiled in order to purify it. Their diet restrictions demanded the ritual. The Germans possessed knowledge of pretzel baking and brought the thick bread style with them to Poland. The German knowledge as well as the Jewish cooking methods created what is known as a bagel today.

1 bagel (flavor of your choice- I prefer Everything or Egg bagels)
1 egg
1 slice cheese (flavor of your choice- I prefer American)
2 pieces cooked bacon (any breakfast meat) or 2 pieces sausage (any breakfast meat) or 2 pieces deli ham (any breakfast meat) or 2 pieces Canadian bacon (any breakfast meat)
1 tablespoon butter

Place bagel in toaster and toast as desired.
Over medium heat, fry egg in frying pan.
Turn off heat but, leave pan on burner.
Place meat on top of egg and then the cheese on top of the meat.
Cover with a lid and let the heat melt the cheese.
Butter toasted bagel.
Place egg, meat, and cheese pile on one half of bagel and top with the other half.
Slice in half and enjoy!

recipe resource here

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