Saturday, July 14, 2018

More than a haircut at the Barber Shop

I was blessed to have an English teacher that not only taught me great skills but also introduced me to the world of Barbershop Music. He was a member of a quartet of men that sang together and had formed a Barbershop quartet. Today, July 13th is a day to relax and enjoy a bit of that sweet music.

The Sweet Adelines International group was founded by a group of ladies that loved to sing together. On July 13th one summer night the group came together to sing and decided to form their own group.  Their husbands did as well and often sang as a barbershop quartet. They decided that they too would loved to sing as a quartet and formed the "Sweet Adelines" Those 4 ladies went on to form Sweet Adelines International and hundreds of groups and thousands of members have joined and sing those lovely sounds of barbershop music.

Barbershop singers are traditionally part of a quartet. The quartet wears the same colorful suits and hats. Barbershop vocal harmony began in the 1940's and continues on today. The group sings a cappella. There is no vocal music characterized by consonant four part chords for every melody note in homophonic texture. Each member has their own role with the lead singing the melody, a tenor, bass singing the lowest notes and a baritone that is just normally right below the lead. The tenor nor bass normally sings the melody and normally the tenor harmonizes above the melody.

Barbershop music brings those old favorites of time gone by back. They are songs that are easy to sing along to with understandable lyrics and easy to sing along melodies.

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  1. That ladies group sounds like fun. I bet they have a blast!

  2. I would love to see at least once the Barbershop singers, I love their colorful outfits. You make me excited to know how their harmonizes the melody well.

  3. We have a singer barber here in our place. He became popular and still popular in his own right.

  4. Isn't it awful that I didn't realize women sang in barbershop quartets, too? This sounds like an amazing group!

  5. Barbershop music is so much fun! I don't know if the Four Seasons would be considered that, but my son loves the movie Jersey Boys. We watch it all the time!

  6. Wow, this is so cool! I'm glad to learn more about this.

  7. Wow - that is so cool! I had an Economics Teacher who was also a Real Estate Agent and played the saxophone and event did it in class sometimes!

  8. I love that type of music. My cousin is in a quartet and I love to hear them sing!

  9. I've always wanted to see a group that does this type of music perform!

  10. Barbershop quartets are so fun. I really enjoy their music. This sounds like a really fun group to be a part of.

  11. My dad sang in a quarter, so I have a special place in my heart for barber shop. Always fun to listen to music inspired by bygone eras.

  12. I had no idea there was such a thing as barber shop music. Mostly because I haven't been to a barber shop in like forever. Thanks for opening my eyes! :)

  13. I check it out Barber shop music sounds fun. They have colorful clothing too.

  14. This was interesting. I guess I've never listened to this type of group singing before.


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