Friday, July 27, 2018

Fragile X Awareness

Fragile X is a genetic condition that can cause delays in the areas of learning, language and social skills and has been known to cause autism. At times if an individual with fragile x becomes excited or anxious you may hear speech or see behaviors that are unusual. Most children with FXS look the same as other children and enjoy doing the same things as their friends and associates as well.

Fragile x syndrome can cause a range of developmental problems that include learning disabilities and cognitive impairment. Often boys are more affected by this disorder than girls are. Conditions of delayed speech development by age of 2, mild to moderate intellectual disability have been seen to occur with those that have fragile x. Likewise, anxiety and hyperactive behavior are often noted.

Physical features often can be seen on most males and about 1/2 the females that suffer from fragile x syndrome. These features include long and narrow face, large ears, prominent jaw and forehead, unusually flexible fingers, flat feet and in males may include enlarged testicles after puberty.

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