Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wednesday Hodge Podge

1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.

lots of getting out in nature and enjoying the outdoors

2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?

swimming, bike riding, again getting outside and having lots of fun

3. Rooftop or backyard? Why?

I don't really care but I am a bit scared of heights. So I must likely would say backyard

4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from?

yes I do with my health issues I pay and more attention to what is in my food

5. A song you'll have on repeat this summer?

american Kid by Kenny Chesney

6. Insert your own random thought here.

While I am not sure what I will all be doing this summer but I do know  that it will all be dealing with my children, grand-children and family

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