Thursday, May 3, 2018

National Foster Care Month

My grandparents came from a strong breed. My grandmother had 13 brothers and sisters and my grandpa had only one brother but learned to grow up the best he could with a mother who took little interest in them. It was no surprise that after being married  and starting a farm  that they had a family of 3 children including my dad. What may surprise sme was that after raising their own children they desired to help others and became foster parents. Through the years they would sponsor and foster dozens of foster children 

May is the time to highlight the importance of foster parents that have opened their homes to those in need. Children and teens who needed help to get out of the environment they were living in. The foster hopes offered them a safe and caring environment via an individual who had a caring heart. 

Foster parents play an important role in family reunification as they provide information, compassion, mentoring and other support to birth parents
— Irene Clements, president of the National Foster Parent Association

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