Tuesday, May 29, 2018


This week I will transfer shifts and join the midnoc shift at work. There are great differences in the shifts the biggest being that I will be working at night when most are sleeping rather than day time when most are active and alert. This brought thoughts of late day gardens to mind and one flower that entered my thoughts was the Moonflower.

Many enjoy their garden area after a hard day of work. One way to do this is to add the fragrance of the moonflowers. The beautiful large white or purple blooms grow on a climbing vine. The amazing scent in the evening is a wondrous treat.

Moonflowers are part of the Ipomoea alba family. Other members of this family include the sweet potato vine and the morning glory. The flowers open in the afternoon and are large in size. The beauty of the flower in addition to the heart shaped leaves enhance the attractiveness of the Moonflower vine

Moonflowers can be grown in yards or patios where there is not much ground space. A trellis or other support for the vigorous vine will help the vine grow up rather than out. Moonflowers have been known to grow up to 20 feet tall. Regular watering , fertilization at 1/2 strength, will help you grow your moon flower.

***** Accidental poisoning can occur if small children ingest the seeds of this plant as Moonflowers contain lysergic acid. ****


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