Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Pickled Carrots Recipe

1 pound carrots (peeled and cut into 3- to 4-inch spears)
2 to 3 small fresh chile peppers (or dried chile peppers)
1 clove garlic (peeled)
1/4 teaspoon whole coriander seeds
1/4 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
1 bay leaf
3/4 cup white wine (or cider vinegar)
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (or other non-iodized salt)

Tightly pack the carrots into a clean 1-pint canning jar (it is not necessary to sterilize the jars for this recipe unless you will be processing in a boiling water bath).
It is easier to lay the carrots in lengthwise if you put the jar on its side and slide the carrot spears in horizontally. Tuck in the chile peppers. garlic, coriander, cumin, and bay leaf as you go.
Bring the vinegar, water, honey, and salt to a boil. Pour the hot liquid over the carrots and seasonings in the jar. The carrots should be completely covered by the liquid, but there should be 1/2-inch space between the top of the liquid and the rim of the jar.
Screw on a 2-piece canning jar lid and put the jar of spicy pickled carrots into the refrigerator and start enjoying them after they've had two weeks for the flavors to develop.
To be able to store at room temperature, pack sterilized jars with the ingredients and process the jar(s) in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. You must use a canning jar and canning lid to process in a boiling water bath.

this veggie recipe shared at
wined down wednesday
dare to share


  1. I didn't realize how easy it was to pickle carrots. I like eating these at one of my favorite restaurants. I mindlessly munch and before I realize it, they're gone! Def going to bookmark this to make it myself!

    1. glad that I could help bring a tasty recipe to you, hope you enjoy

  2. My family pickles and cans vegetables every year after our last garden harvest. It's so easy to do and saves so much food from going to waste.

    1. our family does the same, you are so right it does save food from wasting and taste so good during winter months as well

  3. I learned how to make pickled vegetables from my great grandmother. Reading about this brings back good memories of her. :)

    1. so glad I could bring back memories that you cherish. I love cooking because many times we can recall the great ones we have cooked with before

  4. I've never tried pickled carrots, but I can see the appeal of them. My mother has a garden so I may have to steal some carrots from her hen they come in and give this a try.

    1. sounds like you have a plan just remind mom you are eating her carrots

  5. I've never had a pickled carrot but this sounds like an awesome thing to try! I hope it's as easy as you make it seem

  6. I've never heard of pickling carrots. Well, cucumbers are pickled. Why not carrots? Thanks for sharing.

  7. We always have a garden each year so this is a great recipe to have on hand! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love pickles. I just may add a bit of jalapeno to this to satisfy my palate.

  9. This looks easy. I love to try make one. I was just so used buying my ready-made picked vegetables. Will get ingredients as soon as possible.

  10. I love - love - love ❤️ pickled vegetables, and this recipe sounds amazing!

  11. Oh I love the sound of having carrots pickled what a great idea and they look really cute in their jars too! Thanks for sharing this with us1

  12. I've never had pickled carrots or made pickled anything. I bet carrots would taste yummy b/c of the combo between bitter and sweet!

  13. I've never had pickled carrots before but they sounds intriguing! I think they look rather cool in the jars too due to the orange colour!

  14. I am such a sucker for carrots! it is just too delicious cooked in any possible way!


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