Sunday, March 11, 2018

Who Was Johnny Appleseed

John Chapman better known as Johnny Appleseed took his final breath. It is also the place of John's gravesite. But is he truly buried there?? A book by Howard Means raises many questions of John Chapman. The life was fictionalized by Walt Disney in a 1948 cartoon.

So let's take a look at John Chapman a.k.a Johnny Appleseed's life:

Was the character displayed of a simpleton with a tin pot hat who sprinkled seeds across the American frontier in order to offer pioneer kids a healthy snack true???

While it may be the same type of hat that John Chapman wore the story itself may not be true according to the author. John Chapman was not a simpleton at all. He rather was a complicated man with a very intense and deep spiritual life. Johnny Appleseed traveled through nature barefoot. He was not one that had wants or suffered. Johnny lived his life and slept in nature.

Johnny traveled from Pennsylvania to Indiana selling apple trees. He often started new nurseries at the edge of the frontier and the trees many times where there before the settlements. Land companies at that time sold acres of land if you planned on planting an orchard. The seedlings in these new orchards often housed trees that hosted apples that were not for eating but rather for hard cider. This drink was enjoyed more often and safer than water.

Johnny Appleseed Road Show

Apples were not respected until prohibition era of alcohol. It was hard cider from apples that individuals fell in love with. The slogan "An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" was created after prohibition to help find a new use for apples.

It is believed that Johnny Appleseed was a wandering missionary. He helped to spread the teachings of mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. Apples were what made Johnny Appleseed a memorable individual. John Chapman traveled through states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Western New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 

Johnny Appleseed through his life and death have helped promote Arbor day, Johnny Appleseed Day as well as March 11 when his life is celebrated and helps welcome in planting season. 

These other post about Johnny Appleseed may be of interest as well
Johnny Appleseed Day
Johnny appleseed a bit of apple fun
Johnny Appleseed Activities 

This character based information post was shared at
Over The Moon
Bloggers Pit Stop 

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