Friday, March 9, 2018

Get Over It

Ever have a grudge?? Most of us have. We all can be a bit guilty of holding on to the things that hurt, annoy, confuse or anger us. For some it may be hard to get rid of hurt feelings and over time the feelings may grow and become a problem. For all of us, today is the day to let go of hurt feelings and Get Over It. I am not saying that we should forgive and forget everything. There are some things that we may never be able to forget. We can offer forgiveness and always keep it in the back of our minds so as to protect our selves.

Get Over It Day is a time to let go of the hurt of a breakup. The day was created by Jeff Goldblatt in order to get over the hurt from a break up. It is spaced in the year perfectly we just passed a month full of love and the next month is for fun and joking. Why not get healed in order to join in the fun. It may not be easy all though it sounds easy. Take a minute write down all the things that have been bugging you and stay in your thoughts day and night. Read over the list, can you change anything on the list?? If not its time to let it go. It is not fair for you to spend any more time on the issue. Perhaps you want to rip the paper up and throw it out to show your intent to move forward. Is it time to let individuals back in your life?? Happiness can not come if you are focused on negative things. Get out and enjoy your day, pamper yourself a bit you deserve it.

Is it time to get over it and go forward.

this fun informational post was shared at
good morning Monday


  1. I will get over it! I am not sure what I need to get over but once I do I will take action like this.

    1. well just remember if you ever find something you need to get over to not let the issue bog you down and get over it

  2. Haha!! There are a few people I would like to send this too! But seriously, get over it already so you can move on!

    1. so know what you mean, some hold onto grudges for what seems forever if they knew what life would be like without those feelings they may change their minds

  3. Ha ha! Love the idea of this! Time to let go of the grudges and bad feeling!

    1. thank you , yes it is something we should all try to do

  4. Get over it day is so necessary. So many of us cling to things that are toxic. Just get over it!

    1. yes toxic not only to us but also to those that we love and our own lives

  5. LOVE IT. We choose what we do with our time and put our focus

  6. I do think of this a lot and I am glad I am busy enuf not to dwell on things these days. Great post!

    1. issues that we hold onto can truly hold us back, glad to hear you are busy and that will help you get over it hopefully

  7. I really love this post. I think it's great to just get over something sometimes. It's easier to just move on from things than to keep holding grudges.

    1. exactly my point thanks for sharing your comment

  8. Guilty! I have held onto grudges way longer that healthy. When we realize forgive for US and not for them, it gets easier.

    1. you are so very right the forgiveness is so we can get over it

  9. Moving on is important. It can be hard and some things take more work to move past, but it’s worth it to do that work.

    1. it does take time but in the end it is so worth it

  10. Yup, every day should be get over it day. In order for us to move on we have to sometimes get over what is holding us back.

  11. I try not to hold a grudge but sometimes it can be difficult. I do say also get over it LOL :).


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