Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Snowdrop Flower

The snowdrop flower is the first flower of the year. The blossoming of the snowdrop is a sign that the winter is transforming to springtime. The Snowdrop flower symbolizes hope. Hope that the winter will finish soon and that the warmth of spring will soon enter our lives. 

Snowdrop flower bulbs are grown in both cold winter regions as well as moderate winters. Snowdrop flowers truly dislike warm winters. Snow crocuses and snowdrops can be grown together in a container. To do so cover the bulbs with soil. It should only take a few weeks to grow roots. But activity above soil will not be apparent to late winter or early spring. 

Snowdrops are perfect pest free plant. Rabbits and deer will not eat them. Snowdrops and their bulbs are poisonous to humans as well. If the flower or its bulb is digested in large quantities the individual may have nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

To Plant Snowdrops: 
Start by loosening the soil and adding compost or dried manure. Mix soil til it all blends together. You will want no clumps Plant the bulb with the skinny nose up and flat base of the bulb down into the soil. Bulbs should be planted 5 inches to base, or a couple of inches of soil above bulb. 

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  1. Such a pretty flower and I love that it is a sign of warmer weather to come!

    1. yes, that warmer weather sign is always welcoming to me

  2. Thanks for the lesson. This was the first time I am hearing about this.

  3. Snowdrops are my favorite flowers to photograph in the snow - well, it's probably the only one that doesn't care about the weather. :D So pretty in white! I have only planted tulips, I'll surely be looking at snowdrops next time.

  4. This flower would be so cool to see in the snow. It would be hope for spring and warm weather.

  5. These are so beautiful. I'll have to try planting some. Thanks for teaching me something new. I can't wait until I see growth again! It has been a long winter. :)

  6. I have always loved and have been fascinated by flowers! Ones that can grown in the cold are amazing!!

  7. What a beautiful flower. I have never heard/seen it and love that it is the first flower of the year!

  8. Such a pretty flower and meaning! I cannot wait for spring to arrive.

  9. I have not heard of that type of flower but I love that it means spring is coming. I love flowers that are planted from bulbs as it is always wonderful when they start to poke through the ground again.

  10. I cannot wait to start seeing more of these. I am ready for the spring time.

  11. So where can I find this flower? I'm in NJ and ready for some flowers!

  12. Very pretty flower I love the way it drops. I enjoy planting.

  13. What a lovely flower. I honestly have never heard of it before. I am glad it signals warmer weather.

  14. that's really cool. i didn't know that about that flower.

  15. I definitely need a rabbit friendly flower. They stole all my garden last year.

  16. Pretty indeed. Love the color and the leaves surrounding the flower. They are as if bowing to her beauty.


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