Sunday, January 14, 2018

Be Careful So You Can See

Winter is a harsh season on the human body. Skin, joints and eyes are all acceptable to winter weather. Our eyes deal with an ever presence to the cold weather in the season of Winter. The season affects our eyes and vision in many ways but there are a few things we can do to protect them. 

We all know that summer sun is hard on our eyes but do you realize that the sun and its reflection off of snow and ice are even more dangerous?? Our eyes in the winter deal with ultraviolet rays from above and below via the reflection. Wearing protective sunglasses can help guard against ultraviolet rays that can damage the retina and eye lens. Damage to the eye can lead to cataracts and age related macular degeneration. 

Driving is another area that we need to be extra aware of our eyes. The glare of low lying sun on icy roads can make driving difficult. Make sure the windshield is clean on the inside and out to help guard against glare. Make sure to have your eyes checked regularly as well. Having a pair of sunglasses in the car can help guard against the glare of the sun. 

It seems as if everything dries out in the winter. Just like our skin our eyes can be damaged by dryness as well. If your eyes feel dry it is time to visit your eye doctor. Some simple things you can do in the meanwhile are:
  • if possible lower temps in home
  • if reading or using a computer dries out your eyes then try to blink more. 
  • use humidifier at work and at home. Open windows for a few minutes on cold days can also help

In the winter time when the outdoors is cold and for many unpleasant people spend more time inside watching T.V. and using computers. Breaks should be taken about every 20 minutes. Winter also provides us with fewer hours of daylight making it harder to see in areas. Older individuals and those with vision issues may find using extra light help with indoor activities. 

Winter time often makes my daughters eyes water nearly continuously.  The cold and wind leaves many complaining about the same issue of their eyes watering more than normal. There is eye ware that can be used to protect against the wind. 

Take Care of Your Eyes start by visiting your local eye doctor.

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It's winter blue party time
encouraging hearts and home


  1. Thanks for the tips
    Thank GOD, no winter season in Indonesian :)

  2. lucky you, I am not a fond of snow and ice or cold weather unless I can sit inside and ponder
    thanks for your visit


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