Friday, December 8, 2017

Fight the Flu with the Flu Shot

As a health care employee I am offered and take the flu shot annually. There are many reasons as to why others (including you) should be vaccinated as well. Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and at times death. Flu season is not the same every year as there are different strands of the virus. The flu can also affect people differently. Even if you do not get sick yourself you can get others sick by spreading it to them. In the years between 1976 and 2007 an estimated 3,000 to 49,000 deaths have been associated with influenza. Over 2/3s of these deaths associated with those over the age of 65.

The flu virus can be slowed by the flu shot or nasal spray flu vaccine. Seasonal flu can be reduced as well as spreading it to others by using one of the vaccine methods. More individuals to be vaccinated means less chance the flu has to spread through out the community. Older individuals as well as individuals with chronic health conditions, young children, should be vaccinated as well as all those they come into daily contact with.

The flu vaccination may not always stop the illness but if one does get it the symptoms should be milder. Hospitalizations and deaths are often curbed by using the vaccination. So get your flu shot, wash your hands and stay healthy this winter season.

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  1. I have taken the flu shot before, and had bad reactions. So now, I'm really afraid to take them. My husband got the flu last year and it took 6 weeks for him to get over it. I didn't get it at all. I hope keeping myself healthy, will help.

  2. People always thought with flu vaccine that you'll never get flu once you''re vaccinated but as Fyi it'll just slow down the symptoms and make it milder. This post is really true!

  3. I was very surprised to have gotten the flu this year. But very different than the last time. Thank God I’m better though. I hate being sick. Ugh!

  4. I try to get my flu shot every year! a few years ago I got the influenza and it was not fun at all!!!

  5. I have two little boys and since the time I was pregnant with my first we were always told to get a flu shot. I missed one one year and that was the year I got the flu and was miserable! Never again!

  6. I've only missed taking the flu shot once. I ended up with the flu, bronchitis and double pneumonia that year so I'll never miss it again. It's great that even those that are allergic to eggs can now take it.

  7. I had the flu already this year. It can be a real bummer, that is for sure.

  8. Yes getting the shot is a good idea. Thankfully my boys and husband can all get a shot for free.

  9. Having a regular flu shot is important, especially for those who travel regularly. I always make sure i have it. And my family.

  10. This is very interesting and a true learning experience for me. I have used natural remedies to fight the flu for as long as I could remember.


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