Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29th Date of Birth C.S. Lewis the man behind Narnia

Clive Staples Lewis better known as C.S. Lewis was born on this date November 29th in 1898. He was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century. In 1954 at the age of 56 Lewis was elected to the chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University. One must think that his knowledge most likely helped him write on of my favorite books The Chronicles of Narnia 

C.S. Lewis wrote more than thirty books. A great and vast audience followed this author. Even after death Lewis following of fans continues to grow. The Chronicles of Narnia has sold over 100 million copies and has been turned into three major motion pictures.

C.S. Lewis never intended to have so much fame this many years later. In fact he would be quite surprised to find out he has such a huge popularity. He held a gloomy prospect about his future expecting to be forgotten shortly after his death. C.S. Lewis held a love for stories as a child but not so much of an interest in Christianity. He wanted to embrace faith but struggled to do so. Lewis always thought that if there was a story that he may have more understood his own faith.

Lewis authored a book he would liked to have read as a boy. It was in effect an "imaginative welcome" to the Christian faith. Religious symbolism played a major role in Chronicles of Narnia
Aslan the noble lion of Narnia is also a literary Christ figure who plays a pivotal role in story of Narnia just like Christ is central to the Christian faith. Lewis intended the story of Aslan to retell the "incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection"

"Let us suppose that there were a land like Narnia, and that the Son of God, as he became a Man in our world, became a Lion there, and then imagine what would happen," he told a fifth grade class in Maryland in a letter in 1954.

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  1. I had no idea he was the man behind Narnia. I haven't seen the movie so that might be it lol. lots of interesting info, thank you so much for sharing this. and how cool that he wrote a book because he was looking for something similar when he was a young boy.

  2. All my family likes to watch Narnia. Unfortunately, I did not read the book but the films were done very well. The whole idea of displaying Jesus through the image of a lion is excellent.

  3. Have seen the movies but never read the book. Thanks for sharing this information.


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