Saturday, November 11, 2017

National Young Readers Week

My grand-children are 6 and 9 years of age with one in first grade and the other in third grade. They are both striving to read more and more and doing great. It is our job as parents to promote them and get them to read more and more. You can do this in many different ways. One of the first is by example. Children often mimic our own actions if we demonstrate to them that we read then they will strive to read as well.

Prepare them a great treat to help them feel special while reading. Gummy worms in a baggy with a book worm attached will do just this. After all you do know what a book worm is. 


  1. I grew up hating reading. It was something that as a child, I found boring. I was really blessed when my oldest daughter come along, she has always loved to read. It's something that I have had to instill in my youngest daughter by setting the example and reading with her.

  2. I love this. Reading was always my favorite thing to do as a kid.

  3. I'm a teacher so I really advocate for reading. I love reading with my baby son.

  4. I have been reading to my Son since he was born. He has grown up with an appreciation for books. We like to go to the Library once a week to get a new book.

  5. I agree. Give them treats so that they will be more motivated to read. Reading should always be instilled on young kids’ minds.

  6. I like the Parent's t of the Parent's Reader illustration and definitions. It is so on point. It's show the qualities a parent should have to be able to keep their child learning and motivated and become good book reader when he or she grows older.

  7. It is so important that we are reading with our children daily! I have been reading to my kids since they were born and I believe it has helped them to love reading!

  8. I agree with it.. trading should be insisted on kids for their development..

  9. My daughter and I are both huge bookworms! You should see our ever-growing collection!

  10. I would have never though of using gummy worms while reading. But I think you are right. My daughter would have appreciated them.

  11. I have loved to read for as long as I can remember, and I've been reading books to my boys since they were born. They definitely enjoy spending time reading construction themed stories!

  12. I love this illustration. Reading is so important for our children to learn and grow. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love this post. Reading to children is VERY important. I am a huge advocate of reading to children.

  14. I loathed reading when I was little, but now I love it! Reading is so hard for children sometimes, but the gummy bear idea is genius

    Sondra xx

  15. Reading is so important. I enjoy choosing fun stories to read with them.

  16. We read to our toddler daughter every day. She likes this time with us so much. I love to cuddle and read to her.

  17. What a cute idea to attach the gummy worm with a little book worm to get them motivated! I would read the whole library if I could get this kind of treat for finishing a book!


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