Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Cranberry Fluff Salad

1 lb. fresh cranberries, washed and drained 

1 15¼ oz can crushed pineapple, drained
¾ - 1 cup of sugar
1 pint whipping cream, whipped
½ lb mini marshmallows
1 cup walnuts, chopped (optional)

Whirl cranberries in a food processor. Depending on size of food processor you may have to do this more than once. After chopping pour into bowl.

Mix crushed cranberries, pineapple and sugar.

Mix it all together. Whip whipping cream til fluffy. (((Save time by purchasing tub whip cream))

Stir in marshmallows.

Chill both mixtures separately for 2 hours. Combine both mixes after chilling time

Add nuts and it is ready to serve

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