Friday, October 27, 2017

What Do You Think of When I Say Apple

October is apple month. In 1904 apple week was it was decided that National Apple Week would be extended into a full month. National Apple Month's goal is to increase apple industry sales, and enhance consumer awareness and usage of apples and apple products. Increasing apple industry sales through a fall retail display contest, food service promotional contest, recognize outstanding retailers for their apple merchandising and developing strong relations with retail.

Apples can be traced back to the Romans and Egyptians civilization. The inventive horticulturists of the Roman era is very much behind the juicy, sweetness of apples. The popularity of spread to Great Britain and finally to America. It has been estimated that each American eats an average of 120 apples each a year. Can you imagine a world without apples?? No apple pie, no apple cobbler or apple fritters, apple cider or apple butter.

Apples grew wild in ancient Asia. Hundreds of tiny sour fruits that were small, dark brown seeds and core. These wild apples are the ancestors of domestic apples of today. The Romans are credited with cultivating the wild apple. But it seems that one fact is still disputed.... Did Eve really bite into an apple plucked off the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. Since apples were very undesirable in the wild stage and the fruit was not named in the early bible historians ponder if the fruit may have been a pomegranate.

Our present day Lady Apple, whose original name was Api after the Etruscan who developed it, was originally grown in the gardens of Louis XIII. Later, Louis XIV considered it the only apple variety worthy of being served. In France it is still known as pomme d'Api. During Colonial days in the United States the Lady Apple was a special Christmas-time treat.

Apples are Healthy
Apples are very nutritious. Apples contain fiber, vitamins C, B6 and A, potassium and antioxidants. Apples are easy on the digestion system as apples contain acids that help the intestines. The high fiber of apples adds bulk that also aids the digestive process and helps make natural and comfortable elimination. Pectin is naturally found in apples and contains a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

Other health issues apples can help with :

  • Apples can help build the immune system and prevent heart disease and some cancers. 
  • Green apples help clean the liver and gall bladder and may also help soften gallstones. 
  • Apples are full of water and can help reduce fever The idea behind this is to grate the apple and serve to the individual with fever. 
  • Steaming apples and adding honey can help a dry cough and help remove mucous from lungs
  • raw apples give the gums a healthy massage and clean teeth. 
"An Apple A Day will keep Dr. Away" Apples have properties that are good for the muscle, diuretic , laxative , anti diarrhea, and stomach.

Apples are great to snack on and are available year long. The do not require any peeling apple peel or skin contains healthy nutrients.

shared at
funtastic friday
snickerdoodle sunday

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