Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Silent Solidarity

Students all over the nation gave up their voice today as they participated in a stand against abortion. Each and every day over 3,000 lives are taken away via abortion. These voices will never be heard so the students have decided to give up their own voice for the day.

Imagine one of five individuals will miss our generation because of abortion. Brothers, sisters, friends, peers and / or that special someone will never be born. Since 1973 via Roe v. Wade and legalizing the killing of pre born children many million children have died. They never met the world, enjoyed the holidays or met their families.

Perhaps next year you will wear a red arm band and take part in the National Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity.  A day of silence to stand up for those who have been silenced forever.

shared at
nifty thrifty sunday
sunday's best
silver pennies sundays
inspiration monday


  1. This is an awesome thing to take a stand for. Killing babies is wrong.

  2. This is amazing! We should all stand up and protest against this!

  3. Great post! We must stand up and show our voices against abortion!

  4. Abortion is a very sensitive topic ever since. I thank people who makes campaigns to stop this. Say no to abortion.

  5. Abortion is a touchy subject but who are we to tell people what to do w/their bodies. I don't think abortion should be used as birth control but I definitely think to each it's own.

  6. I agree that indeed this is a personal subject. Personally, I am prolife.

  7. Interesting post. We should all take a stand for what be believe in.

  8. What a great cause. I love to see people supporting causes that they are passionate about.

  9. Abortion has always been a controversial subject. One thing that I love about this country, women have a right to choose and God is the only being who should judge. That is a belief that I'm passionate about!


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