Monday, October 9, 2017


OCD is more than being neat, tidy, clean and organized. It is having the compulsion to be that way all the time. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a serious debilitating disorder that can lead sufferers to having unwanted debilitating thoughts that can harm their day to day lifestyle. It can become in other words a living nightmare.

OCD awareness week occurs during the week of October 8th to the 14th in 2017. During the week the goal will be to help raise awareness and help others understand about what OCD really is. The goal of educating others and ruing out misunderstanding and stigma that can be caused by misrepresentation of OCD. The Awareness week originally began in 2009.

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welcome to the weekend


  1. I think it is great that you are clarifying OCD for people. I hate when people joke about it. I think it is disrespectful to those that have OCD

  2. Annies Home: Ocdweek >>>>> Download Now

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    Annies Home: Ocdweek >>>>> Download Full

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