Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Look At The Leaves Day

The fall brings with it much color and beauty. Normally by this time the leaves have started changing color and are starting to fall. However, this year the leaves seem to be a bit behind times. Mother nature has allowed a few more warm days that normal this fall and it has slowed the coloring of the leaves. October 3rd each year has traditionally been known as "Look at the Leaves Day". You can look at the beautiful trees all over Southern Illinois but com back in a week or two when to me the beauty will happen like magic.

Leaves help provide energy for trees and plants. They convert sunlight into sugars and starches during photosynthesis. Spring and summer months leaves appear green because of chlorophyll created through photosynthesis. Cooler weather when the sun is less and the days become shorter has the trees storing up energy from the leaves. This energy is needed in the winter. During this time period the chlorophyll breaks down. The energy is transferred to the trees instead of the leaves. The leaves in return change beautiful colors of orange, yellow, brown, red and even appear purple.

shared at
 waste not Wednesday 
saturday sharefest 


  1. I absolutely love the fall! Growing up in New England it was really the most beautiful time of year!

  2. Isn't nature amazing. I love the trees that slowly transform from green to red then purple.

  3. I love autumn!! It’s my favourite time of year! I love crunching through the bright and colourful leaves!

  4. i absolutely love the colors of fall. it's such a lovely time.

  5. Nature is so amazing! Fall is my favorite time of the year. I really like fall colors. They're so pretty!

  6. HAha yes, I remember I used to wonder why and how leaves change color. I love autumn btw, so fun and cool!

  7. I am jealous of people who get to experience fall! It has been over 90 degrees all week and next week it'll be 100.

    1. I truly love the beauty of fall. We have had temps around 35 to 40 degrees. I wish for temps between what you have and I have that would be perfect
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