Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Night of Vandalism Til The Angels United

October 30th in history has earned the title of "Devil's Night". As the night before Halloween it is most often known as "Mischief night" throughout the United States. In Detroit Michigan serious vandalism and arson occurred on this night in Detroit Michigan from the 1970s to the 1990s.

From the early 1940s the youth would engage in petty criminal behavior. Egging, soaping windows and doors or leaving toilet paper in trees and shrubs were common activities.These petty crimes left little to no property damage. It all changed in the early 1970s when the acts escalated to include destructive acts such as arson.

A second night known as "Angel Night" would put a decline if not an end to the destructive vandalism. Angel Night came into existence as an answer to a horrific night in 1994. Dennis Archer promised to do something about the arson's. The following year Angels' Night was created and ran from October 29 to 31st. Thousands of volunteers would come together to form a band to report any suspicious activity.  


  1. I had never heard of that story. I had no idea. It is great to read about history and always know more. Who knows, I might tell the story one day ahah the angel night is a good initiative

    1. yes it is a good initiative, they came together to get it done

  2. Never heard of this story, but now I know :) Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. thanks for stopping by leaving a comment glad I could educate you on this subject

  3. How interesting. I never knew about this before. So cool!

  4. I have never heard of Angels' Night before. I think it is fantastic when a community can come together to help keep each other safe.

  5. It’s awesome that people step forward to prevent pointless crimes like these. Thanks for sharing this new info!

  6. Oh wow, very interesting. I'm glad that people are putting a stop toward the increasing violence.

  7. Interesting read! That's why I love reading blogs. I learn new things every day.

  8. I haven't heard about Angel's night. Very interesting to know!

  9. I understand a little mischief, but arson and vandalism makes it criminal and they deserve punishment.

  10. I haven't ever heard of Angel's night. Thankfully, Devils night hasn't ever been a problem anywhere I have lived.

  11. I have never heard of Angel's Night before but it has an interesting genesis

  12. I had not heard of Angels Night. What a great way for a community can come together. Fantastic!

  13. This is so interesting! I had heard of something about this before but it was great to learn more about it.

  14. Interesting history! I've never heard of it and now I am interested to know everything about it. I feel like the Angels Night united many people.

  15. I never heard of this but it seems like the perfect answer to such a terrible act.

  16. Thanks for sharing I never knew about this story before reading this :)


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