Tuesday, August 1, 2017

simplify your life

If your life is anthing like mine there are times that everything seems out of controll. When this happens I try to return the simplier times. Many times we can not go back to where it was truly simple but there are things we can do:

As bloggers we spend time on the internet working. I consider this part of my job but if you are spending to much time on the great www. then you need to back off a bit and relax. Spending more time with my family makes me very happy. 

There are those individuals that do not make me happy. in fact they make my life very stressful. It is those individuals that I try to avoid. The goal is to make my life simplir and happier there are those times that due to drama life can become more complicated and very unhappy.

Is your cell phone driving you crazy?? Do people call you at all times of the day and night?? If you are not expecting an emergency phone call or have to keep your phone on due to work reasons then shut your phone off a bit before bedtime so you can rewind a bit. This may just help you have a better morning the next day. 

Help clear your mind by jotting down items that are on your mind. This way you have a list of them, you will not worry about having tto recall anything and be able to free your mind as well. Think about decluttering your home as well it may make you feel better and have less stress. 

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1 comment:

  1. This post was talking to me on so many levels!!! lol Staying away from those that bring drama my way is so draining. I think I may have to start shutting my phone off for a bit. Thanks for the tips! xo Regina
    #Alittlebitofeverything linkup


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