Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Replace Salt With Spices

Many adults have heard the words "you need to cut back on your salt intake" The reason is that a single teaspoon of slat has more than the recommended daily allowance of socium for most adults. I can remember going into the grocery store and purchasing "no sodium" salt for my mom when I was a teen. I thought to myself how can that be salt?? But, to mom it was and that is what she wanted. There are other things that you can do to make your food taste great and still cut back on salt.

Since so many pre= packaged and processed foods, canned veggies, cured meat and deli cold cuts contain salt it really is a good idea to find a way to make your taste buds happy. To much sodium can lead to high blood pressure or heart and kidney disease. Arthritis and hormonal conditions are also made worst.

Using spices over salt will vary depending on the recipe, type of cuisine and personal taste buds. Savory flavors can be obtained by adding fresh onion and garlic or instead garlic or onion powder can be used. Black pepper can add interest to a dish or use some roated almonds, sesame seeds or crushed nuts. Squeeze lemon , lime or orange onto veggies or try some honey, brown sugar or jam to add sweetness.

Here is a list of herbs and foods that they will go well with:

Dill (potatoes, tomatoes, fish and green beans).
Oregano (tomatoes, chicken and green beans).
Rosemary (lamb, chicken, potatoes).
Sage (beef and potatoes).
Marjoram (soups, peas and summer squash).
Thyme (beef, chicken, potatoes).
Cinnamon or nutmeg (soups, squash, carrots)
Cloves (fruit, beef)
Curry powder or cumin (corn, tomatoes, fish)

Crushing or rubbing herbs will offer the most flavor. Store parsley or cilantro in water to stay fresh.

shared at
mommy monday


  1. I agree. Spices are a great alternatives. Thanks for stopping by anoi

  2. I love salty food so much. More than sugar. And I know that it isn't so healthy, ahhh

  3. Spices are so delicious, I love them. But I know that they aren't so healthy in large quantities.

  4. Thanks for sharing the food and seasoning pairings. I try my best to stay away from salt. I also try to encourage my family to do the same.

  5. I love the idea of just subbing spices for salt. This is super helpful for my father-in-law, who is on a no salt diet for kidney problems. What's weird is that whenever I get bloodwork done at the doctor, my sodium is our of range low... but I guess that's maybe because I mostly eat salads and smoothies and not processed stuff where it hides. I'm not sure! Great tips though!

  6. I try to get my fiancee to cut back on the salt. She has high blood pressure and still puts salt on everything. I think I'll take up the reins in the kitchen and try using more spices.

  7. I know this is so true... I'm very fond of salt and spices but in the long run excessive use of this is very unhealthy. Thank you for reminding me this. I've been neglectful lately :)

  8. I use sea salt usually, when I do crave that additional flavor in meats and veggies. I do like to try different spices, though, just as you listed here.

  9. This is so true. I think most don't realise salt isn't the only flavour in the drawer! LOL


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