Monday, July 24, 2017

What Do You Know About Horseradish

Horseradish is a plant in the Brassicaceae family. Included in this family are mustard, wasabi, broccoli and cabbage. Horseradish is a root plant vegetable used as a spice. It may have originated in asia or Europe. Now it is grown around the world and can reach up to nearly 5 feet tall. The plant is mainly grown for the root. The plant has little to any scent but when cut or grated the scent has the possibilty of bothering eyes and nose. 

There are many health benefits of horseradish. From fighting flu and respiatory disorders or another of other health benefits horseradish is one condiment that can help you stay healthy. Horseradish has been used for centuries to treat ailments. There is no waste to a hoseradish plant as it can all be used for medicinal reasons. The horseradish flowers, root, and leaves can all be used to treat health ailments. Horseradish has also been proven to help with cancer treatment. 

Horseradish should come with a warning of high in sodium and sugar calories. Normally consumed in small amounts it does have a slightly diuretic quality that can cause problems with individuals with kidney disorders, peptic ulcers or inflammatory bowl disease. 

Since we are in the month of July, Christmas in July month, I am sharing a great idea for a gift in the kitchen. 


2 jalapeno peppers
1 medium-size sweet red bell pepper
2 8″ fresh horseradish roots
3 c. white vinegar
1/2 t.  salt

For the peppers trim the tops and tips so they’ll make a nice flat rectangle when opened up. (The size of the pieces will vary of course but the process is the same.)

Remove all seeds and trim off the long white ribs. Cut into fine dice, 1/8″, taking care to make all the pieces (green and red) the same size.

Trim the the tops and tails of the horseradish roots. Use a swivel peeler to remove the woody outer skin.

Chop the roots into 3″ lengths and split open the long way.  Trim out any brown centers in the roots — it’s important to only use the snowiest white pieces of the horseradish.

Use the small-size grating disk of a food processor to shred the white horseradish root into fine short strands 1″ long.  If the results look to too course for your taste put the shreds into the processor’s bowl fitted with the chopping blade and pulse, checking every two pulses to break down the shreds, taking care to not overdo it.  Over chopping will rob homemade horseradish of is its old-timey roughness.

Mix the horseradish and pepper dice in a mixing bowl and fill four 8 oz. sterilized canning jars.

Bring 3 c. of white vinegar with the 1/2 t. salt to a full boil. Pour over the horseradish in the jars, leaving 1/4″ head space.

Seal with sterilized lids and bands and process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.

sharing this food related informative post at
whats for dinner

1 comment:

  1. Great information!! I grew horseradish one and am thinking of doing it again. It's so great to just walk out back, pull a piece of root and make up some sauce. thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope you have a wonderful week!


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