Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pet Fire Safety

Did you know that nearly 500,000 pets are involved in house fires each year?? Believe it or not, about 1000 of them are started by the pet. July 15th is National Pet Fire Safety and was created to spread awareness about how to keep your pet safe during house fire and how to safe guard your home so they don't accidently help start one. 

You can help protect your families pet by taking a few precautions. First let someone know there are pets inside the home:

Know where you pet loves to sleep, play and hide. If a fire was to start it would be easier for you to find them if you know where they may be. When your pet is not using them keep leashes and pet carriers near the door so they are ready to use incase of emergency.


  1. Great post!! Keeping your pets safe during a fire is key!

    1. I agree with you fully, our pets are family and we would protect our family so we should do the same for our pets
      thanks for visiting


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