Thursday, June 8, 2017

Strawberry Moon

Were you aware that a full moon would appear in the sky 12 different times in the year of 2017 There have been many times that the full moon has been given a bad rap. There are other times that the full moon can symbolize luck a few of these times include

A growing Moon and a flowing tide are considered good signs to be married under
If your area is in need of rain then know that a good rain commonly happens following a new or full moon.
The full moon has also been considered a sign that a lady nearing the end of pregnancy will follow into labor shortly after.

Each time a full moon occurs it has a name and a meaning. Naming of the moons dates back to the Native Americans. The full moon in June is called the Strawberry moon. It is the season during which strawberries can be harvested happens in June. 

In Europe this fool moon is known as "rose moon" because strawberries do not grow in Europe. The full moon in June has also been known as the "honey moon" or a "mead moon" because of its location low in the sky. This moon refers to the sweetness of marriage in the "honeymoon" There is a custom in Europe that gifts newlyweds enough mead to last a month. June is one of the most popular months to get married. Leaving the newlywed couple to take their "honeymoon" during the "honey moon". 

Junes full moon has also been known as "hot moon" June is the start of the summer season. 

Many have seen the blood moon and may mistake it for the strawberry moon. The blood moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse. Direct sunlight cannot illuminate the moon when the earth eclipses the full moon. This effect leaves the moon a reddish or brown color. 

I hope you get a chance to get out and see this beautiful moon that He has provided for us. 

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